Water Quality

Water Quality
Pawtucket water and its employees are committed to providing our customers with the safest and most reliable drinking water possible.
We ensure the safety of the drinking waler provided to the customer through a program of monitoring and testing. The PWSB Water Quality Laboratory and the RI Department of Health (RIDOII) extensively monitor the water both before and after the treatment process. The water quality is monitored even after it goes through the distribution mains and is delivered to the customer.
There are numerous federal and state regulations that govern drinking water. These regulations provide structure on how, when, and why samples are to be taken. The regulations tell the water supplier what to monitor. bow often the tests should be run and how much of something can be present in the water. At the present time, there are over 70 regulated contaminants and over 30 unregulated contaminants that must be monitored by PWSB. The PWSB. with help from RIDOH, tests for over 170 different contaminants in your drinking water. These tests are performed daily, monthly, quarterly, or yearly as required.
The water delivered to the customer is monitored DAILY for turbidity, pH, color, odor, fluoride, and bacteriological contamination. The Water Quality Laboratory collects over 20 samples every day with an average of 600 samples taken each month. By sampling so often we are not only meeting federal and state regulations, but we are also ensuring that the water we provide our customers is SAFE to drink.
Please follow this link to view the most recently annual Consumer Confidence Reports.